
With more than 15 years of experience, our expertise in setting up a compliant business and providing professional services in the UAE stands second to none.

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Nassima Tower - 2403 - Sheikh Zayed Rd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
+971 4 358 8500

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Give Your Business The Leverage It Needs

Give Your Business The Leverage It Needs

Thinking about taking your existing business to the next level? Setting up a small business? Want to outsource your PRO services? Looking for a partner to take up your payroll management? TASC can help you with all that and more. TASC is known to be the leader in staffing and HR solutions in the GCC region. With deep knowledge and insight into regulatory processes, we are also the region’s leading business setup specialists! Our objective is simple. We want to increase your business efficiency while managing all your HR compliance-related processes. Our core values are reliability, quality, respect, collaboration, agility, and innovation. We truly believe in delivering world-class service that will take your business to the next level.

With over 450 clients ranging from local government bodies to massive multinational corporations, our experience and expertise speak for themselves. We have also been a part of various business councils, key international trade organizations, and private offices of His Excellency in the UAE. We have been a part of the formation and then subsequently, expansion of so many different businesses which has equipped us to serve our clients in the best way possible. Our team of experts are specialized leaders in their respective fields and will come up with solutions, no matter what your business problem is.

Are you thinking of outsourcing in the UAE? Then think TASC Corporate Services

What are the different ways TASC can help your business grow? Let’s take a look at our portfolio of services, what they entail and how TASC comes into the picture for each.

• Outsourcing Business Setup

Looking to start a business in the Middle East? We can help you lay down the building blocks of your organization. Our team of business formation specialists will take you through the entire process step by step, from having the license issued to getting all the required government approvals. We will liaison with the government authorities, get attestations from the different bodies, help with the trade license and even help with staffing! You take care of meeting your business objectives, we will do the rest. Business establishment and expansion, legal formalities, government approvals, we do it all with the best interest of your business in mind.

• Outsourcing Professional PRO Services

An often-overlooked aspect of running any business, PRO services help bridge the gap between your business and the government. Whatever your needs may be, whether it is essential government paperwork, legal procedures, and other regulatory paperwork as per the law, we will take care of it all. You can now enjoy quick and hassle-free PRO services by outsourcing them to TASC. We have over 15 years of experience handling PRO for different organizations in the region. Some of the various aspects of PRO that we offer are – visa management, trade license compliance, and regulatory transactions. We will assign a dedicated team to assist you with your PRO needs ensuring the smooth functioning of the business.

• Outsourcing Payroll Management

No matter how big or small a business may be, payroll management is a part of it. Payroll management refers to the handling of employees’ compensations, which includes calculating salaries, issuing payments, and preparing tax filings. We provide state-of-the-art and customized solutions to manage your payroll, either by integrating with your current system or setting up a new system for you. We use the latest accounting technologies to ensure that you pay all your employees in an efficient and timely manner, anytime anywhere. You can get access to automated pay checks, multi-currency management, and custom reports. We are also AI-powered and bot-enabled which ensures the smooth functioning of the entire process. By automating the entire process, you also negate the possibility of human error.

• Outsourcing HR Operations

HR policies drive a large part of the overall productivity and efficiency of any organization. Let us strategize for you and come up with the best practices to boost morale in the system. Right from policy development and auditing to compensation and benefits, we can help strengthen these HR pillars for you. Our team of industry leaders has previously worked with different types of organizations at different points in their trajectory to come up with effective strategies. From onboarding to documentation to compliance to separation, our services will cover it all. Outsourcing your HR operations is beneficial in several ways. This frees up your HR team to undertake other, more critical responsibilities. All the manual work is taken care of by us.

Outsourcing these services to TASC Corporate Services is advantageous to businesses in a number of ways. Firstly, our experience helps us arrive at creative solutions to your problems faster. We are adept at handling businesses of various sizes and from various industries which makes us the perfect partner to help resolve all your business problems. Secondly, you can save time and effort by outsourcing some of these critical functions of your business which would otherwise require precious manpower. This frees up precious bandwidth. And thirdly, it is a cost-effective solution for you. There is a common misconception that outsourcing is a costly affair, but we work hard to bring you the best value for the monies spent. Maximize your output with TASC.

What is the larger benefit of outsourcing these services? Most importantly, in the long run, outsourcing these services leads to a happier and more productive workforce who are determined to do their jobs well. It also helps to a great extent in boosting the overall health and well-being of the organization. Partner with us and open your business up to a world of unmatched benefits.
If you have any further questions on any of our services, do get in touch with us. We would love to have a conversation with you about how we can help boost your business. Each business is unique and we understand that. We would love to work closely with you in filling the gaps that exist in your business and being the proactive strategic partner, you were always looking for.
We look forward to having you on board!



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